
The Chancellery is the venue of the tri-national meeting of Bolivia, Argentina and Paraguay, in which the problems and preservation of the river that flows through these countries are analyzed.The Trinational Commission for the Development of the Pilcomayo River Basin analyzes since yesterday, at the Chancellery, the integral management of the Pilcomayo River, which crosses Bolivia, Argentina and ParaguayThe general director of Limits, Borders and International Transboundary Waters of the Chancellery, Róger Matos, explained that every year Bolivia, Argentina and Paraguay coordinate actions to preserve the fauna and flora of that river."The preparatory meeting began today (yesterday), and there is a 12-point agenda for the management of the Pilcomayo River, where special aspects are included such as (the preservation) of the shad, the dynamics of the river, water quality and others," said Matos.The authority explained that the preparatory meetings will allow the delegates of each country to approve the agreements or others on that issue.Vice-chancellor Juan Carlos Alurralde, who has full knowledge of river basins and the processes that must be carried out to preserve the riverbed and the life it carries, will chair the Bolivian delegation, said Matos.The meetings will also serve to evaluate the progress of the Pilcomayo river basin management plan and to coordinate the short, medium and long term measures related to the Pilcomayo. At the tri-national meeting, which will conclude today, Bolivia will present proposals that include integral measures in the upper, middle and lower basins, with erosion controls, sediment transport and the hydraulic cleaning of the river in the three countries, explained Matos.The authority said that Bolivia has also carried out studies on the dynamics of the development of shad and other fish species, to promote their development and boost fishing activity in the this line, Matos, for example, said that Bolivia plans to open a fish research center in Villamontes (Tarija).it also plans to rehabilitate the marshes in Bolivian territory for the development of fish, in addition to implementing structural engineering measures to make better use of the Pilcomayo's water resources.